Are you looking for Tessa Parent of Tessa Marie Photography, based in Calgary Alberta, often shooting in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Drayton Valley, & beyond? Well you're almost at the right place.
There's a much newer, prettier, more exciting blog with lots of new content at www.tessamarie.ca/wp
All this stuff is there too, so you won't be missing out!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Baby M

This little guy was so much fun to photograph!
His expressions were priceless: either gummy smiles from ear to ear
or the cutest pout with a bottom lip that never ends.

Studio Portraits

These portraits were taken in studio for a lighting assignment at school.
We were fortunate to have great models who were very patient
while eight different students took their photographs!

Business Portrait

Family Portrait

Friday, May 21, 2010

Some fun with the Keus Famiy

Anyone who knows the Keus's knows Kristy is usually keeping up with those kids,
but I'm sure they have these kind of days too!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Post Without a Photo *Gasp!*

You may have noticed a few changes to my blog as I am revamping it to coordinate with my soon-to-be-released website. I finish my digital photography program in just five short weeks, and I'm working hard to complete my website, portfolio, business plan, and year-end exhibition. Not to mention taking photos all the while!

There may not be too many photo-posts in the next few weeks, but keep checking back and there's sure to be a flood once I get caught up!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

More Baby Bentley

More baby Bentley!

Hee hee, that expression cracks me up!
Brittany says he gets it from his dad's side.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sneak Peak of Baby Bentley!

Baby Bentley is two and a half weeks old and he's just adorable!

His mom, Brittany was one of my classmates in photography school,
so Bentley is sure to be one of the most photographed babies ever!