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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

"M" is for Magnolia

I think Magnolia's are the most beautiful tree I've ever seen.
In fact I had never seen one in bloom until I moved to BC
and the first spring when I saw them I had no idea what these
trees covered in big pink flowers were.
They are absolutely stunning!

"L" is for Lemon

"K" is for Key

"J" is for Jar

"I" is for Iced Tea

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Maternity Session with Brittany

What a great photo shoot!
Brittany, Bentley the baby-to-be, and Restless the Horse
were wonderful models, and the farm was a beautiful location.

Restless living up to his name,
giving Brittany a little hug during the photo shoot!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kelly Boudoir Session

This photo shoot was late night in the studio with
Allana helping and Kelly modeling, so much fun!
Kelly is a photographer's dream,
she was so comfortable in front of the camera,
and her perfect smile and bright eyes just light right up!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Keus Family

My favorite shots from my session with the Keus family!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Baby Wilson

A few photos from my session with
Gabby, Wilson, and their adorable little baby Wilson.
He's such an easy going little guy,
just relaxed and watching everything going on.
I had a great time and got some great shots!