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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

"G" is for Goosedown in the Grass

Alphabet Challenge Photo of the Week

Wildlife in the Backyard

It certainly feels like spring these days,
and the creatures seem to agree!

Now that the birds have found the feeder
it's empty within days!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Photo-shoot With Teralee

What a great shoot!
Teralee you were a wonderful model and
Megan you were so much help!
I had so much fun and I love the photos.
Here are the first few that I've finished,
more to come soon!

Love these pics with the sitar.
It's an indian instrument Teralee plays and it's beautiful!
The base is made from a gourd, and it's surprisingly light,
considering its size.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Trees and Water and Nature and Other Fun Stuff

Who knew how many great shots were
just waiting in the park across from school?
I spent the whole afternoon walking around
finding more and more to shoot.

Bokeh Duck:

It took a lot of lying around on the wet grass
and trying to trick ducks into thinking I might feed them,
but finally this one wandered right into
the background where I wanted him.

Here's a mind bender for ya:

Wrap your head around that!