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Thursday, December 17, 2009


These birds were considerate enough to stay put while I got a few shots.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This shot was taken on thanksgiving in Paulson Park in Vernon, BC. There was a family there feeding the ducks bread, so they were all crowded around and much less worried about being stepped on than I was of stepping on them!

Luminous Autumn Leaves

This was a runner up for a one of my school assignments (The Glenmore Road Pond shot was the one I handed in, posted earlier)

This was taken in Paulson Park, in Vernon on Thanksgiving. It was one of those bright, crisp autumn days where the leaves just popped against the blue sky, and I was thrilled to have captured that!



In the first quarter of school one of our assignments was to take a self portrait. This was taken in my sister's back yard in Vernon, using the 10-second timer shutter release.

One day my classmate Alanna and I went to the park to do a panning/motion assignment for class. The park looked out over the lake, where fifty or so swans (?) were huddled in the cold, shallow water. (Wether they were swans or snow geese is still up for debate) We happily photographed the flock, and while Alanna snapped a great action shot, my favorite from the day was this little detail on the beach.

First Post!

One of my favorites!

The Pond on Glenmore Road

One lens-cap lost in the mud (and returned later, strangely enough)
Two attempts at getting the shot
Four boots covered in mud

But... it was all worthwhile in the end!